Saturday, December 31, 2005

Comic Book Notes (LJ) Dec 2005


Maxx Vol. 4 - Why do I read this series? I can't seem to follow the larger storyline. I love the artwork. I think I love the mystery of it. Also there are some seriously disturbing characters in this series. And it tends to be very surreal.


Should I give Iron Wok Jan another try? I'm thinking I should. I've only read the first volume. That was back in early 2004 when I first started reading manga. I liked it but I wanted to try other things. I almost picked up a copy of volume 2 at the Liberty Comics the other day.

No new issue of Rocketo solicited this month, although there is a collection of the first 6 six issues in the Image section of the catalog. I'm tempted to order it for my mother. I think she would really like the pictures. Its a great all ages book. I don't think she would be interested in edgier more adult comics that I like to read.

I'm looking at the catalog right now and I am thinking of buying Supermarket # 1. Its written by Brian Wood. I've heard good stuff about his work but have yet to sample it. Anyway, the book is from IDW and it's $3.99, kind of pricy for a single ish in the US but I need to order a few comic books each month. Besides I've got a shelf full of unread trades.

Okay, maybe it isn't a shelf full, but from taking a quick look I count seven trades:

- Adam Strange: Planet Heist
- Captain America Vol. 1: Winter Soldier
- Conan Vol. 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter and Other Stories
- Invincible Vol. 1: Family Matters
- Losers Vol. 3: Trifecta
- Sandman Vol. 1: Nocturnes and Preludes
- Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye

plus two volumes of manga:

- Kare Kano Vol. 6
- Phoenix Vol. 3: Yamato/Space

then there are the ones that I've ordered but haven't received yet:

- Human Target: Final Cut
- She-Hulk Vol. 2: Superhuman Law

So I don't exactly need to order any more trades at the moment. Although I probably will order one. I'm thinking Powers Vol. 2: Roleplay. I've been itching for more Powers ever since I finished the first collection. Love the dialogue and the humor.


I bought my first issue of Back Issue magazine today, # 13. The cover was hard to resist. It features an article on "The Death of Romance Comics" which is just part of a group of articles called Beyond Capes. For the most part the only other sort of comics covered in this section are kung-fu comics. Just too quirky an issue for me to pass up. Plus there is an article on Will Eisner's A Contract With God.

I picked up three comic books while at the store:

- Blood of the Demon # 2
- Blood of the Demon # 3
- Solo # 6

I read Blood of the Demon # 1 a few months ago and enjoyed it. I wanted to read more but wanted to wait for the trade. It doesn't look like there is going to be a trade so I ain't waitin' no more. John Byrne co-writes and draws the artwork. His work (writing and art) doesn't always please me but this one I like so far.

This is the third issue of Solo I've bought. This one features the art of Jordi Bernet, an artist I am unfamiliar with. The blonde on the cover might have moved me to open the comic book, but the artwork on the interior moved me to buy it. Just from glancing at the book I'd say Bernet's artowrk reminds me of a cross between Matt Wagner and Alex Toth. The genres of the five stories in order are horror, noir, prison, western, and superhero (Batman). Looks like a fun read, even if it was a bit pricey at $4.99.


X-mas went well. I only got one item I asked for, Buddha Vol. 2 by Osamu Tezuka, but that's okay. I ate well and I like the presents I did get.

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