Friday, June 24, 2011

DMZ v7: #41

Zee, DMZ
by Brian Wood (writer) and Nikki Cook (artist)

Several issues ago while the book continued to focus on Matty, Zee took off. She headed north, left the area controlled by Parco Delgado and his forces. For the moment Matty is set aside as the book turns its attention to Zee, Matty's ex-girlfriend. She's fed up with Matty and how cozy he has gotten with Parco. She doesn't see the turmoil Parco is putting Matty through, just the outward signs that Matty works for Parco.

I'm through with DMZ. I gave it two tries, read the first 7 trades, more than 40 issues. It doesn't speak to me the way some books do. There's a framework that I like but there isn't enough meat on the bones, for me.

DMZ is published by Vertigo, an imprint of DC Comics.

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