Maxx Vol. 4 - Why do I read this series? I can't seem to follow the larger storyline. I love the artwork. I think I love the mystery of it. Also there are some seriously disturbing characters in this series. And it tends to be very surreal.
Should I give Iron Wok Jan another try? I'm thinking I should. I've only read the first volume. That was back in early 2004 when I first started reading manga. I liked it but I wanted to try other things. I almost picked up a copy of volume 2 at the Liberty Comics the other day.
No new issue of Rocketo solicited this month, although there is a collection of the first 6 six issues in the Image section of the catalog. I'm tempted to order it for my mother. I think she would really like the pictures. Its a great all ages book. I don't think she would be interested in edgier more adult comics that I like to read.
I'm looking at the catalog right now and I am thinking of buying Supermarket # 1. Its written by Brian Wood. I've heard good stuff about his work but have yet to sample it. Anyway, the book is from IDW and it's $3.99, kind of pricy for a single ish in the US but I need to order a few comic books each month. Besides I've got a shelf full of unread trades.
Okay, maybe it isn't a shelf full, but from taking a quick look I count seven trades:
- Adam Strange: Planet Heist
- Captain America Vol. 1: Winter Soldier
- Conan Vol. 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter and Other Stories
- Invincible Vol. 1: Family Matters
- Losers Vol. 3: Trifecta
- Sandman Vol. 1: Nocturnes and Preludes
- Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
plus two volumes of manga:
- Kare Kano Vol. 6
- Phoenix Vol. 3: Yamato/Space
then there are the ones that I've ordered but haven't received yet:
- Human Target: Final Cut
- She-Hulk Vol. 2: Superhuman Law
So I don't exactly need to order any more trades at the moment. Although I probably will order one. I'm thinking Powers Vol. 2: Roleplay. I've been itching for more Powers ever since I finished the first collection. Love the dialogue and the humor.
I bought my first issue of Back Issue magazine today, # 13. The cover was hard to resist. It features an article on "The Death of Romance Comics" which is just part of a group of articles called Beyond Capes. For the most part the only other sort of comics covered in this section are kung-fu comics. Just too quirky an issue for me to pass up. Plus there is an article on Will Eisner's A Contract With God.
I picked up three comic books while at the store:
- Blood of the Demon # 2
- Blood of the Demon # 3
- Solo # 6
I read Blood of the Demon # 1 a few months ago and enjoyed it. I wanted to read more but wanted to wait for the trade. It doesn't look like there is going to be a trade so I ain't waitin' no more. John Byrne co-writes and draws the artwork. His work (writing and art) doesn't always please me but this one I like so far.
This is the third issue of Solo I've bought. This one features the art of Jordi Bernet, an artist I am unfamiliar with. The blonde on the cover might have moved me to open the comic book, but the artwork on the interior moved me to buy it. Just from glancing at the book I'd say Bernet's artowrk reminds me of a cross between Matt Wagner and Alex Toth. The genres of the five stories in order are horror, noir, prison, western, and superhero (Batman). Looks like a fun read, even if it was a bit pricey at $4.99.
X-mas went well. I only got one item I asked for, Buddha Vol. 2 by Osamu Tezuka, but that's okay. I ate well and I like the presents I did get.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Nov 2005
At the comic book store I picked up the first volumes of Genshiken and Hikaru no Go. Unless I buy a bootleg copy on eBay its gonna be a while before I get to see anymore on the Hikaru no Go anime, so I'm gonna try the manga instead. It looks very well drawn and reproduced. Genshiken is a series about an otaku club. I've heard good things about it. I passed on buying volume 6 of Kare Kano because I'm stil reading number 5.
Hikaru no Go - I read the second chapter this morning before heading to work. So far the story is very close to the anime, with a few minor divergences. The biggest difference that I can see (so far) is that through the first 13 episodes of the anime there is little or no mention of Hikaru's family, whereas in the manga both his mother and grandfather have made appearances. *shrug*
I think I am just going to order one trade this month, She-Hulk Vol. 2. Next month I am planning to order Powers Vol. 2. On another comics related note I listened to episode 72 of Comic Geek Speak. I've given up on trying to listen to every ep of this show. This one caught my eye because it had a discussion of Marvel vs. DC.
Right now, I'm listening to an old ep (#7) of CGS in which the geeks discuss Sin City.
At the comic book store I picked up the first volumes of Genshiken and Hikaru no Go. Unless I buy a bootleg copy on eBay its gonna be a while before I get to see anymore on the Hikaru no Go anime, so I'm gonna try the manga instead. It looks very well drawn and reproduced. Genshiken is a series about an otaku club. I've heard good things about it. I passed on buying volume 6 of Kare Kano because I'm stil reading number 5.
Hikaru no Go - I read the second chapter this morning before heading to work. So far the story is very close to the anime, with a few minor divergences. The biggest difference that I can see (so far) is that through the first 13 episodes of the anime there is little or no mention of Hikaru's family, whereas in the manga both his mother and grandfather have made appearances. *shrug*
I think I am just going to order one trade this month, She-Hulk Vol. 2. Next month I am planning to order Powers Vol. 2. On another comics related note I listened to episode 72 of Comic Geek Speak. I've given up on trying to listen to every ep of this show. This one caught my eye because it had a discussion of Marvel vs. DC.
Right now, I'm listening to an old ep (#7) of CGS in which the geeks discuss Sin City.
I need to read some more comic books. I picked up Maxx Vol. 4 this morning. I only had time to read a few pages of the second chapter. I have a hard time following the story. It flows a little too freely. The artwork is the real draw. It more than compensates for the wild twists and turns that the plot takes.
I listened to another episode (# 16) of CGS tonight.
Ya know what sucks? Doing most of your comic book reading through trades. It makes it impossible to keep up with the current stories. At best I am six months behind the pace; at worst a year or more in arrears. *sigh*
I want to read the exciting stuff going on in the DCU, but I'd rather wait for the trade. I haven't even read Identity Crisis yet. I know how it turned out, but I still want to read it. Some people loved it. Others hated it. I still want to read it. I am also intrigued by some of the other special series like The OMAC Project and Villains United. And then of course someday, hopefully before the next US presidential election, I think I would like to read Infinite Crisis.
There's plenty of other stuff to get caught up on. Stuff like Y: The Last Man and Conan. In the manga department there's Kare Kano and Hikaru no Go.
I could go on, but I am tired and should probably take a nappy. No wonder I can't keep up with all these series. :)
Monday, October 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Oct 2005
I'm really enjoying Madrox: Multiple Choice. I think it would make for a pretty cool movie. I think it would take a talented actor and a good director to pull it off, but I think it could be done. It doesn't hurt that the story is written by Peter A. David. That's what drew me to this mini-series, initially. I've also heard lots of good things about it. PAD has a good handle on the material, keeping it both suspenseful and humorous. I just love the premise. He's taken a guy who can multiply himself (which seems like a pretty simple idea) and added wrinkles to it that most comic book writers would never come up with. I love it how some of the duplicates actually turn on him. It all very noir, and somewhat existential.
Y: The Last Man - One Small Step (Vol. 3) - Just one more chapter to go. I really dig this series. This could be a one note comic book but the creators are doing an excellent job IMO of exploring the different angles of what would happen if something (a plague?) wiped out all the men on earth, except one. The whole breakdown in mass communications and transportation systems alone provides plenty of fodder for stories. Its good to see the creators taking advantage of that.
In the last couple chapters in this volume the story turns away from Yorick (the last man) and focuses on a troupe of actors who are traveling the country (US of course). I found the comparisons made to what the theater was like before women were allowed to participate interesting (given of course that there are no men to participate). It was also interesting because for the most part the comic book so far has been about the struggle to survive and for Agent 355 and Dr. Mann to get Yorick to a lab in California. Despite the breakdown in society here are some women actually interested in producing art.
I picked up my comics today. Just three comic books (Rocketo # 2, Breach # 9, and Action Philosophers! Self-Help for stupid ugly losers # 1), two trades (Losers Vol. 3 and Walking Dead Vol. 1), and a magazine (Proculture Addicts # 85) and the latest Previews catalog (of course). I've started reading Exiles Vol. 9. There are definitely some similarities between this book and Negation (which I will NEVER stop talking about) and while I miss how deadly serious (in a life or death sort of way) Negation could be, one thing it did not have that Exiles does is humor. I love how Tony Bedard twists and plays with the Marvel Universe. It must be a fun book to write.
I'm really enjoying Madrox: Multiple Choice. I think it would make for a pretty cool movie. I think it would take a talented actor and a good director to pull it off, but I think it could be done. It doesn't hurt that the story is written by Peter A. David. That's what drew me to this mini-series, initially. I've also heard lots of good things about it. PAD has a good handle on the material, keeping it both suspenseful and humorous. I just love the premise. He's taken a guy who can multiply himself (which seems like a pretty simple idea) and added wrinkles to it that most comic book writers would never come up with. I love it how some of the duplicates actually turn on him. It all very noir, and somewhat existential.
Y: The Last Man - One Small Step (Vol. 3) - Just one more chapter to go. I really dig this series. This could be a one note comic book but the creators are doing an excellent job IMO of exploring the different angles of what would happen if something (a plague?) wiped out all the men on earth, except one. The whole breakdown in mass communications and transportation systems alone provides plenty of fodder for stories. Its good to see the creators taking advantage of that.
In the last couple chapters in this volume the story turns away from Yorick (the last man) and focuses on a troupe of actors who are traveling the country (US of course). I found the comparisons made to what the theater was like before women were allowed to participate interesting (given of course that there are no men to participate). It was also interesting because for the most part the comic book so far has been about the struggle to survive and for Agent 355 and Dr. Mann to get Yorick to a lab in California. Despite the breakdown in society here are some women actually interested in producing art.
I picked up my comics today. Just three comic books (Rocketo # 2, Breach # 9, and Action Philosophers! Self-Help for stupid ugly losers # 1), two trades (Losers Vol. 3 and Walking Dead Vol. 1), and a magazine (Proculture Addicts # 85) and the latest Previews catalog (of course). I've started reading Exiles Vol. 9. There are definitely some similarities between this book and Negation (which I will NEVER stop talking about) and while I miss how deadly serious (in a life or death sort of way) Negation could be, one thing it did not have that Exiles does is humor. I love how Tony Bedard twists and plays with the Marvel Universe. It must be a fun book to write.
I'm tempted to start reading black and white graphic novels on the bus and metro. I've been reading Understanding Comics on the commute to and from work. I haven't really paid too much attention to what people think of it. I don't think I'm ready to read anything too recognizable on the metro, so color is out for now, at least on the public transportation.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Sep 2005
Tonight I...
...read another chapter of Hawkman Vol. 3. I don't think I will be buying anymore Hawkman trades, to include the JSA/Hawkman crossover trade: Black Reign. It just ain't the same. It has lost its shine. Besides there's plenty of other stuff I'd like to try.
Breach - I got my Previews catalog finally. I flipped through the comics sections, taking notes of things I might want to pre-order or wait for the trade on. I was going through the DC section when I noticed that # 11 will be the last issue of Breach. It was so low on most people's radar screen that this is how I found out about it. I tried a google search and it barely registered.
Oh well, that makes two DC series that have been canceled out from under me in the past year. Fallen Angel was the other.
I'm listening to the 50th episode of Comic Geek Speak. I figure they must be up to # 52 or 53 by now. I haven't checked lately. Other than the Book of the Month # 3 episode (Walking Dead Vol. 1) I have listened to all the other episodes I've downloaded. # 50 is three hours long. I won't finish listening to it tonight, but it sure is geeky of me to go on rambling like this about how many eps I've listened to.
Did I mention that the comic books don't seem to be quite the guilty pleasure these days as they were a few weeks ago. Its not that I'm not enjoying them, but they just aren't quite the guilty pleasure for me that they once were. I think it must be all the anime I've been watching. It is my current guilty pleasure. I guess that means that anime are the new comic books? Dunno.
Black Heart Irregulars # 1 - Just read it this afternoon. I'm pondering pre-ordering # 3. I've already pre-ordered # 2. I enjoyed # 1 enough to want to read more. Its a black-and-white comic book from a small publisher, Blue King Studios. It is set in the Middle East. The first issue takes place in Bagdad. Hints have been dropped that future storylines will take place elsewhere in that part of the world. The main character is the leader of a rogue private military company, Black Heart. I'm suure of their or the writer's motivations. Hard to tell if the writer is sympathetic toward them; whether he sees them as military vets who have gone around the bend or what? It seems that they have decided to fight the "war on terrorism" themselves, without authorization from the US Government, or any other government for that matter. I think they are all Americans. The CIA is checking up on them in the first issue. In some ways in reminds me of The Losers. I think that is part of what attracted me to the book. Anyhoo, I enjoyed it. I'm intrigued. I want to read more.
Madrox: Multiple Choice - Read the first chapter last night. Fun read. I usually enjoy Peter David's writing. That's what drew me to this series. Under normal circumstances I won't touch an X-men book with a ten foot pole. I like the set up. Jamie Madrox, a former superhero, is trying to live a semi-normal existence working as PI in Mutant Town in NYC. Then one night one of his duplicates (that's his superpower, he can create duplicates of himself) comes stumbling back to his apartment almost dead. He dies in Jamie's arms, but not before Jamie can absorb his memories. Unfortunately he doesn't get enough information to figure out who killed his double. That where chapter one (of five) ends.
I'm not wild about the art work in the first chapter. It doesn't have enough flair. Hopefully it will get better. I do like the story so far. As with BHI I wanna read more, which is probably a good thing since I bought the trade paperback collection.
The next movie on my list is American Splendor. Harvey Pekar (the subject of the movie) will be in town next weekend, at the Small Press Expo (SPX). What a coincidence! I didn't arrange it this way. I knew SPX is coming up but I didn't know he is going to be there. I only found out because of an ad in the Express that caught my eye while I was working on the latest Sudoku puzzle. Anyhow, he is going to be the guest of honor at some ceremony (the Ignatz Awards?) they will be having. I don't think I will be going.
Buddha: Kapilavastu (Vol. 1) - Written and drawn by Tezuka Osamu. Based on the story of the Buddha. Tezuka has added to the story as it is told, or at least that is my understanding. This volume barely touches on the story of Buddha himself, other than to tell the tale of his birth. For the most part the story focuses on two young boys, Tatta (a pariah) and Chapra (a slave). The supporting cast includes Chapra's mother, a general who (ignorant of Chapra's caste) adopts him, and a monk who is convinced that Tatta is some sort of saint. At 400 pages it might seem long, but it reads very quickly.
Anyway I loved it. Tezuka's drawings are beautiful. The story has light, amusing moments as well as heavier ones. Everytime I thought I knew where the story was going it seemed to take off in a direction that I didn't forsee it going.
Hawkman: Wings of Fury (Vol. 3) - Ugh! Glad I'm done with it. It wasn't awful, but I can think of plenty of other books I would rather have spent my time re-reading. Maybe I've just gotten tired of reading Hawkman. There are plenty of other superheroes trades out there that I haven't read. I 'll give one of them a try next.
One big drawback to this collection is the seemingly consistent use of fill-in artists. I really liked the regular artists work, from the first two volumes. Flipping through the book it looks like at least half the artwork was done by fill-ins.
Tonight I...
...read another chapter of Hawkman Vol. 3. I don't think I will be buying anymore Hawkman trades, to include the JSA/Hawkman crossover trade: Black Reign. It just ain't the same. It has lost its shine. Besides there's plenty of other stuff I'd like to try.
Breach - I got my Previews catalog finally. I flipped through the comics sections, taking notes of things I might want to pre-order or wait for the trade on. I was going through the DC section when I noticed that # 11 will be the last issue of Breach. It was so low on most people's radar screen that this is how I found out about it. I tried a google search and it barely registered.
Oh well, that makes two DC series that have been canceled out from under me in the past year. Fallen Angel was the other.
I'm listening to the 50th episode of Comic Geek Speak. I figure they must be up to # 52 or 53 by now. I haven't checked lately. Other than the Book of the Month # 3 episode (Walking Dead Vol. 1) I have listened to all the other episodes I've downloaded. # 50 is three hours long. I won't finish listening to it tonight, but it sure is geeky of me to go on rambling like this about how many eps I've listened to.
Did I mention that the comic books don't seem to be quite the guilty pleasure these days as they were a few weeks ago. Its not that I'm not enjoying them, but they just aren't quite the guilty pleasure for me that they once were. I think it must be all the anime I've been watching. It is my current guilty pleasure. I guess that means that anime are the new comic books? Dunno.
Black Heart Irregulars # 1 - Just read it this afternoon. I'm pondering pre-ordering # 3. I've already pre-ordered # 2. I enjoyed # 1 enough to want to read more. Its a black-and-white comic book from a small publisher, Blue King Studios. It is set in the Middle East. The first issue takes place in Bagdad. Hints have been dropped that future storylines will take place elsewhere in that part of the world. The main character is the leader of a rogue private military company, Black Heart. I'm suure of their or the writer's motivations. Hard to tell if the writer is sympathetic toward them; whether he sees them as military vets who have gone around the bend or what? It seems that they have decided to fight the "war on terrorism" themselves, without authorization from the US Government, or any other government for that matter. I think they are all Americans. The CIA is checking up on them in the first issue. In some ways in reminds me of The Losers. I think that is part of what attracted me to the book. Anyhoo, I enjoyed it. I'm intrigued. I want to read more.
Madrox: Multiple Choice - Read the first chapter last night. Fun read. I usually enjoy Peter David's writing. That's what drew me to this series. Under normal circumstances I won't touch an X-men book with a ten foot pole. I like the set up. Jamie Madrox, a former superhero, is trying to live a semi-normal existence working as PI in Mutant Town in NYC. Then one night one of his duplicates (that's his superpower, he can create duplicates of himself) comes stumbling back to his apartment almost dead. He dies in Jamie's arms, but not before Jamie can absorb his memories. Unfortunately he doesn't get enough information to figure out who killed his double. That where chapter one (of five) ends.
I'm not wild about the art work in the first chapter. It doesn't have enough flair. Hopefully it will get better. I do like the story so far. As with BHI I wanna read more, which is probably a good thing since I bought the trade paperback collection.
The next movie on my list is American Splendor. Harvey Pekar (the subject of the movie) will be in town next weekend, at the Small Press Expo (SPX). What a coincidence! I didn't arrange it this way. I knew SPX is coming up but I didn't know he is going to be there. I only found out because of an ad in the Express that caught my eye while I was working on the latest Sudoku puzzle. Anyhow, he is going to be the guest of honor at some ceremony (the Ignatz Awards?) they will be having. I don't think I will be going.
Buddha: Kapilavastu (Vol. 1) - Written and drawn by Tezuka Osamu. Based on the story of the Buddha. Tezuka has added to the story as it is told, or at least that is my understanding. This volume barely touches on the story of Buddha himself, other than to tell the tale of his birth. For the most part the story focuses on two young boys, Tatta (a pariah) and Chapra (a slave). The supporting cast includes Chapra's mother, a general who (ignorant of Chapra's caste) adopts him, and a monk who is convinced that Tatta is some sort of saint. At 400 pages it might seem long, but it reads very quickly.
Anyway I loved it. Tezuka's drawings are beautiful. The story has light, amusing moments as well as heavier ones. Everytime I thought I knew where the story was going it seemed to take off in a direction that I didn't forsee it going.
Hawkman: Wings of Fury (Vol. 3) - Ugh! Glad I'm done with it. It wasn't awful, but I can think of plenty of other books I would rather have spent my time re-reading. Maybe I've just gotten tired of reading Hawkman. There are plenty of other superheroes trades out there that I haven't read. I 'll give one of them a try next.
One big drawback to this collection is the seemingly consistent use of fill-in artists. I really liked the regular artists work, from the first two volumes. Flipping through the book it looks like at least half the artwork was done by fill-ins.
black heart irregulars,
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Aug 2005
I got my latest shipment of comic books. I think I have more or less converted to ranks of the trade paperback collectors. I only got four comic books this month, and two trades. My most recent orders run about the same ratio.
I spent some time looking through the latest Previews catalog. So many things to buy, so little time to read.
+ I think I will finally order a few backlisted items that I've been meaning to get: Conan Vol 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter and Other Stories from Dark Horse (by Kurt Busiek, Cary Nord and Dave Stewart) and JSA: The Golden Age.
+ I'm kind of torn over whether to continue ordering Rocketo as a comic book or try waiting for the trade. The only other two comic books I have on my list to order at the moment are Solo # 7 and Breach # 10.
+ New trades and hardcovers that interest me, but that I think I will pass on for now include Batman: Under the Hood, Catwoman: When in Rome, and Young Avengers Vol 1: Sidekicks.
+ The Brave and the Bold Art of Jim Aparo from TwoMorrows looks too good to resist.
Yes there is more that caught my eye, but I've gotta be selective; kind of like I do with the anime. I've managed to resist ordering anymore, so far. I've got a plan that involves buying more, but not for at least a couple more weeks. Hopefully I can manage until then. :P
Powers Vol. 1: Who Killed Retro Girl? - Still reading and still loving it. Brian Bendis sure can write dialogue. Love this story so far. I like the angle (cops investigating the death of a superhero), the characters and the relationships (especially the one between the two detectives Christian and Deena, his new partner; just love watching them clash), the artwork by Michael Avon Oeming (very expressive), and the humor (I almost died laughing at the end of chapter 3 when the little girl asked him if he had figured out what a clitoris was, in front of Deena). Lots to recommend here. Its light reading, but its much better than most of the stuff put out by DC and Marvel.
She-Hulk: Single Green Female (Vol. 1) - Still reading and still loving it. I'm three chapters in. Love the humor. I'm 99% sure I'll buy the second collection, just not sure if I will continue to read it beyond that.
Took a quick peek at Newsarama this afternoon:
= Andy Diggle's new mini-series Silent Dragon looks interesting. I like his work on Losers and I ordered Adam Strange: Planet Heist.
= Ed Brubaker will be taking over Daredevil. That might be enough to give it a try, although given how much I like Brian Bendis work on Powers maybe I should give his DD a try too. I wonder if this means that Brubaker will be stop writing Captain America soon?
Stray Bullets: The Innocence of Nihilism Vol. 1 - Just started reading today. I loved the first chapter. It was so intense. Loved the artwork, loved the story. Its a little rough around the edges. It reminded me of the sort of story found in old EC horror comics. No zombies or supernatural critters, just one young man whose seen a little too much blood and flips out and starts killing people at the slightest provocation. Its the way in which he flips that sold the story for me. He has moments when he bursts out screaming but for the most part it is a quiet transformation, which made it that much creepier and more worth reading to me.
Powers: Who Killed Rerto Girl Vol. 1 - Loved it cover to cover. The first chapter was as good as the last. I wasn't sure they would be able to wrap it all up in the final chapter and satisfy me, but somehow they managed. I haven't read through the bonus material yet, but the story itself (writing and artwork) really impressed me. I'm definitely gonna have to pick up the next volume.
Hawkman Vol. 3: Wings of Fury - Two chapters in. I wasn't so sure after reading the first chapter, but I'm feeling better about it after second one. Hawkwoman's appearance seemed too good to be true. Maybe it is. So far I like it, but there has been a lot of action so far without as much character development. Part of the strength of the series so far (i.e prior to Vol. 3) has been Carter and Kendra's relationship working and otherwise. It had been rocky. She hasn't exactly been able to come to terms with the fact that they were lovers in a former life and has no interest in him. He can't seem to get over the fact that she doesn't want to be closer than his partner fighting crime. Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much of that so far. Hawkwoman (Shayera from Thanagar) has stolen the spotlight. The other two Hawks are in the picture, but it is taking me a little time to adjust to the change. I don't think she is a permanent addition to the book.
Stray Bullets Vol. 1: Innocence of Nihilism - Chapter two is even darker than chapter one. At first I thought the second chapter was a different story, but now I think writer/artist David Lapham started at the end (in chapter one) and then goes back (in chapter two) to tell the story from the beginning. Anyway, this is one disturbing book. I love it even though it scares the crap out of me. The art and the writing are gripping. I can feel my eyes bulging out as I read it. So glad I finally ordered it.
Comic Geek Speak - Right now, I'm listening to episode 43. Just a bunch of guys sitting around talking comic books, but its kind of fun. Check it out.
I did go to the comicbook store formerly known as Closet of Comics for the first time in at least two-and-a-half months. I picked up Queen & Country Vol. 2: Operation Morningstar, Kare Kano Vol. 5, and Banana Sunday # 1. I probably spent about an hour prowsing before I finally settled on what to buy. So many things to read, so little time to read them in. Currently I am reading two mangas (Buddha Vol. 1, Battle Royale Vol. 2) and two trades (Stray Bullets Vol. 1, Hawkman Vol. 3).
I also listened to a couple more episodes of Comic Geek Speak. Much fun. I enjoy listening to the guys hash over the logic and value of various comic book series, stories, artists, creators, etc.
I keep trying to get caught up with Comic Geek Speak podcasts. I'm falling behind. I'm starting to think that I will be perenially behind. *le sigh*
I should just give up on getting caught up and enjoy the show. The nice thing is that I can do other things while listening.
I got my latest shipment of comic books. I think I have more or less converted to ranks of the trade paperback collectors. I only got four comic books this month, and two trades. My most recent orders run about the same ratio.
I spent some time looking through the latest Previews catalog. So many things to buy, so little time to read.
+ I think I will finally order a few backlisted items that I've been meaning to get: Conan Vol 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter and Other Stories from Dark Horse (by Kurt Busiek, Cary Nord and Dave Stewart) and JSA: The Golden Age.
+ I'm kind of torn over whether to continue ordering Rocketo as a comic book or try waiting for the trade. The only other two comic books I have on my list to order at the moment are Solo # 7 and Breach # 10.
+ New trades and hardcovers that interest me, but that I think I will pass on for now include Batman: Under the Hood, Catwoman: When in Rome, and Young Avengers Vol 1: Sidekicks.
+ The Brave and the Bold Art of Jim Aparo from TwoMorrows looks too good to resist.
Yes there is more that caught my eye, but I've gotta be selective; kind of like I do with the anime. I've managed to resist ordering anymore, so far. I've got a plan that involves buying more, but not for at least a couple more weeks. Hopefully I can manage until then. :P
Powers Vol. 1: Who Killed Retro Girl? - Still reading and still loving it. Brian Bendis sure can write dialogue. Love this story so far. I like the angle (cops investigating the death of a superhero), the characters and the relationships (especially the one between the two detectives Christian and Deena, his new partner; just love watching them clash), the artwork by Michael Avon Oeming (very expressive), and the humor (I almost died laughing at the end of chapter 3 when the little girl asked him if he had figured out what a clitoris was, in front of Deena). Lots to recommend here. Its light reading, but its much better than most of the stuff put out by DC and Marvel.
She-Hulk: Single Green Female (Vol. 1) - Still reading and still loving it. I'm three chapters in. Love the humor. I'm 99% sure I'll buy the second collection, just not sure if I will continue to read it beyond that.
Took a quick peek at Newsarama this afternoon:
= Andy Diggle's new mini-series Silent Dragon looks interesting. I like his work on Losers and I ordered Adam Strange: Planet Heist.
= Ed Brubaker will be taking over Daredevil. That might be enough to give it a try, although given how much I like Brian Bendis work on Powers maybe I should give his DD a try too. I wonder if this means that Brubaker will be stop writing Captain America soon?
Stray Bullets: The Innocence of Nihilism Vol. 1 - Just started reading today. I loved the first chapter. It was so intense. Loved the artwork, loved the story. Its a little rough around the edges. It reminded me of the sort of story found in old EC horror comics. No zombies or supernatural critters, just one young man whose seen a little too much blood and flips out and starts killing people at the slightest provocation. Its the way in which he flips that sold the story for me. He has moments when he bursts out screaming but for the most part it is a quiet transformation, which made it that much creepier and more worth reading to me.
Powers: Who Killed Rerto Girl Vol. 1 - Loved it cover to cover. The first chapter was as good as the last. I wasn't sure they would be able to wrap it all up in the final chapter and satisfy me, but somehow they managed. I haven't read through the bonus material yet, but the story itself (writing and artwork) really impressed me. I'm definitely gonna have to pick up the next volume.
Hawkman Vol. 3: Wings of Fury - Two chapters in. I wasn't so sure after reading the first chapter, but I'm feeling better about it after second one. Hawkwoman's appearance seemed too good to be true. Maybe it is. So far I like it, but there has been a lot of action so far without as much character development. Part of the strength of the series so far (i.e prior to Vol. 3) has been Carter and Kendra's relationship working and otherwise. It had been rocky. She hasn't exactly been able to come to terms with the fact that they were lovers in a former life and has no interest in him. He can't seem to get over the fact that she doesn't want to be closer than his partner fighting crime. Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much of that so far. Hawkwoman (Shayera from Thanagar) has stolen the spotlight. The other two Hawks are in the picture, but it is taking me a little time to adjust to the change. I don't think she is a permanent addition to the book.
Stray Bullets Vol. 1: Innocence of Nihilism - Chapter two is even darker than chapter one. At first I thought the second chapter was a different story, but now I think writer/artist David Lapham started at the end (in chapter one) and then goes back (in chapter two) to tell the story from the beginning. Anyway, this is one disturbing book. I love it even though it scares the crap out of me. The art and the writing are gripping. I can feel my eyes bulging out as I read it. So glad I finally ordered it.
Comic Geek Speak - Right now, I'm listening to episode 43. Just a bunch of guys sitting around talking comic books, but its kind of fun. Check it out.
I did go to the comicbook store formerly known as Closet of Comics for the first time in at least two-and-a-half months. I picked up Queen & Country Vol. 2: Operation Morningstar, Kare Kano Vol. 5, and Banana Sunday # 1. I probably spent about an hour prowsing before I finally settled on what to buy. So many things to read, so little time to read them in. Currently I am reading two mangas (Buddha Vol. 1, Battle Royale Vol. 2) and two trades (Stray Bullets Vol. 1, Hawkman Vol. 3).
I also listened to a couple more episodes of Comic Geek Speak. Much fun. I enjoy listening to the guys hash over the logic and value of various comic book series, stories, artists, creators, etc.
I keep trying to get caught up with Comic Geek Speak podcasts. I'm falling behind. I'm starting to think that I will be perenially behind. *le sigh*
I should just give up on getting caught up and enjoy the show. The nice thing is that I can do other things while listening.
stray bullets,
what I bought
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Jul 2005
Powers: I'm two chapters into Who Killed Retro Girl? I love it. Its great. Love the dialogue. Love the characters. Love the artwork. A nutshell its about two (superpowerless) detectives investigating the death of a superhero, Retro Girl. Reminds me a lot of Love Fights, which was probably inspired (in part) by Powers.
Started reading She-Hulk Vol. 1: Single Green Female the other day. So far I like it. I'm only one chapter into it. Not much to judge from, but I do like the humor.
The pics in the previews catalog looked good, the artwork that accompanies this interview looks even better. I've ordered the first couple issues.
Powers: I'm two chapters into Who Killed Retro Girl? I love it. Its great. Love the dialogue. Love the characters. Love the artwork. A nutshell its about two (superpowerless) detectives investigating the death of a superhero, Retro Girl. Reminds me a lot of Love Fights, which was probably inspired (in part) by Powers.
Started reading She-Hulk Vol. 1: Single Green Female the other day. So far I like it. I'm only one chapter into it. Not much to judge from, but I do like the humor.
The pics in the previews catalog looked good, the artwork that accompanies this interview looks even better. I've ordered the first couple issues.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Jun 2005
I got the new previews guide today. Here's a rundown of what appeals to me from the front half of the catalog.
New Series and mini-series:
The Winter Men #1 (of 8) - Former soviet super-heroes working for the Russian Mafia? Sounds neat to me. I also like the look of the promotional artwork.
Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct # 1 (of 5) - I haven't read the previous Top 10 mini-series. Jerry Ordway's name and the eclectic mix of characters in the preview art are what caught my eye.
Ferro City # 1 - Looks like a mix of science fiction and hard boiled detective fiction. That enough to catch my interest and the artwork really catches my eye. Not exactly smooth around the edges but it looks like a good match for the sort of story being told.
Revelations # 1 (of 6) - I like the cartoonish look of the artwork. Its about a detective at the Vatican investigating the death of a pope. I was going to pass on it, but then I noticed that my retailer has it on sale for 75% off the cover price. I think I'll give it a try.
Identity Crisis - Actually this is the hard cover. I've been waiting a while for this. I've read reviews and spoilers. I know how things turn out in the end. Still, I'm curious. I'll probably end up waiting for the trade paperback collection.
Adam Strange: Planet Heist - This one interests me more than Identity Crisis. I've enjoyed Andy Diggle's writing on a completely different series, Losers. I loved the trade paperback collection of the Adam Strange mini-series from a decade ago, Adam Strange: Man of Two Worlds. I don't know if this one will measure up to its predecessor, but I've heard good things and am willing to give it a try.
Justice League Elite Vol. 1 - Think I will pass on this one, but only because I've got the individual issues. Worth buying? Yes, if you haven't read the story already, although Joe Kelly's method of exposition takes some getting used to. I just love the artwork by Doug Mahnke and Tom Nguyen. Basically its the second coming of the Suicide Squad (or if you watch Justice League Unlimited that would be the Task Force X) except that they don't work for the United States Government.
Maxx Book 5 - I have yet to read Book 4, but I'll be getting this collection one of these days. It's the final collection in the series. Sam Kieth's art work is truly inspired. I love how his characters change appearance with the mood of the story. It isn't always easy to follow the plot but I find something strangely compelling about this series.
The Expatriate Vol. 1 - Looks interesting, in a cold war espionage sort of way. I liked Hawaiian Dick, which was also written by B. Clay Moore so I'm tempted to buy this one.
Avengers: Vision and Scarlet Witch TP - Collects a (IMHO) classic series from the early 1980's. Its an odd sort of mini-series for Marvel to reprint. Not that I didn't like it, I loved it, but not exactly the sort of thing that I thought fans were clamoring for or is going to make the company a ton of cash.
Hard Time Vol. 1: 50 to Life - Excellent story about a teenager who gets sentenced to life in prison for taking part in Columbine-type prank. He doesn't actually kill or injure anyone, but his friend (who is killed in the first issue) does and he suffers the penalty. Starting wiht the second issue the story is about his life in jail, how he fits in, and the mysterious power that he has but is unaware of. In every chapter it manifests itself. It always seems to come out when he is in danger.
Unfortunately this volume collects just the first six issues of the series. It got cancelled after # 12. They have yet to release or announce plans to release a second collection. I have heard rumors that the series might be brought back later this year, but so far nothing concrete.
Exiles - I am so geeked about the fact that Paul Pelletier is going to be joining Tony Bedard on this series. I loved their work together on Negation. Can't wait to see them working together again, although I will probably wait for the trade.
I put in my order for comic books tonight. Here's what I decided to order:
Comic Books
Breach # 8
Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct #1 (of 5)
Wintermen # 1 (of 8)
Deal with the Devil # 5 (of 5)
Revelations #1 (of 6)
Black Heart Irregulars # 1
Rocketo # 1
Trade Paperbacks
Adam Strange: Planet Heist
Maxx Book 4
Trade paperbacks and manga:
Currently Reading
Enemy Ace Vol. 1 (DC Archive Edition)
Losers Vol. 2: Double Down
Buddha Vol. 1: Kapilavastu
On my shelf waiting to be read
Battle Royale Vol. 1, 2, 3
Hanazakari no Kimitachi he Vol. 2
Marmalade Boy Vol. 6
Stray Bullets Vol. 1
Hawkman Vol. 3: Wings of Fury
Ministry of Space
Human Target
Hysteria Vol. 2
She-Hulk Vol. 1: Single Green Female
Madrox: Multiple Choice
Y: The Last Man Vol. 3: One Small Step
Adam Strange: Planet Heist
Maxx Book 4
I got the new previews guide today. Here's a rundown of what appeals to me from the front half of the catalog.
New Series and mini-series:
The Winter Men #1 (of 8) - Former soviet super-heroes working for the Russian Mafia? Sounds neat to me. I also like the look of the promotional artwork.
Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct # 1 (of 5) - I haven't read the previous Top 10 mini-series. Jerry Ordway's name and the eclectic mix of characters in the preview art are what caught my eye.
Ferro City # 1 - Looks like a mix of science fiction and hard boiled detective fiction. That enough to catch my interest and the artwork really catches my eye. Not exactly smooth around the edges but it looks like a good match for the sort of story being told.
Revelations # 1 (of 6) - I like the cartoonish look of the artwork. Its about a detective at the Vatican investigating the death of a pope. I was going to pass on it, but then I noticed that my retailer has it on sale for 75% off the cover price. I think I'll give it a try.
Identity Crisis - Actually this is the hard cover. I've been waiting a while for this. I've read reviews and spoilers. I know how things turn out in the end. Still, I'm curious. I'll probably end up waiting for the trade paperback collection.
Adam Strange: Planet Heist - This one interests me more than Identity Crisis. I've enjoyed Andy Diggle's writing on a completely different series, Losers. I loved the trade paperback collection of the Adam Strange mini-series from a decade ago, Adam Strange: Man of Two Worlds. I don't know if this one will measure up to its predecessor, but I've heard good things and am willing to give it a try.
Justice League Elite Vol. 1 - Think I will pass on this one, but only because I've got the individual issues. Worth buying? Yes, if you haven't read the story already, although Joe Kelly's method of exposition takes some getting used to. I just love the artwork by Doug Mahnke and Tom Nguyen. Basically its the second coming of the Suicide Squad (or if you watch Justice League Unlimited that would be the Task Force X) except that they don't work for the United States Government.
Maxx Book 5 - I have yet to read Book 4, but I'll be getting this collection one of these days. It's the final collection in the series. Sam Kieth's art work is truly inspired. I love how his characters change appearance with the mood of the story. It isn't always easy to follow the plot but I find something strangely compelling about this series.
The Expatriate Vol. 1 - Looks interesting, in a cold war espionage sort of way. I liked Hawaiian Dick, which was also written by B. Clay Moore so I'm tempted to buy this one.
Avengers: Vision and Scarlet Witch TP - Collects a (IMHO) classic series from the early 1980's. Its an odd sort of mini-series for Marvel to reprint. Not that I didn't like it, I loved it, but not exactly the sort of thing that I thought fans were clamoring for or is going to make the company a ton of cash.
Hard Time Vol. 1: 50 to Life - Excellent story about a teenager who gets sentenced to life in prison for taking part in Columbine-type prank. He doesn't actually kill or injure anyone, but his friend (who is killed in the first issue) does and he suffers the penalty. Starting wiht the second issue the story is about his life in jail, how he fits in, and the mysterious power that he has but is unaware of. In every chapter it manifests itself. It always seems to come out when he is in danger.
Unfortunately this volume collects just the first six issues of the series. It got cancelled after # 12. They have yet to release or announce plans to release a second collection. I have heard rumors that the series might be brought back later this year, but so far nothing concrete.
Exiles - I am so geeked about the fact that Paul Pelletier is going to be joining Tony Bedard on this series. I loved their work together on Negation. Can't wait to see them working together again, although I will probably wait for the trade.
I put in my order for comic books tonight. Here's what I decided to order:
Comic Books
Breach # 8
Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct #1 (of 5)
Wintermen # 1 (of 8)
Deal with the Devil # 5 (of 5)
Revelations #1 (of 6)
Black Heart Irregulars # 1
Rocketo # 1
Trade Paperbacks
Adam Strange: Planet Heist
Maxx Book 4
Trade paperbacks and manga:
Currently Reading
Enemy Ace Vol. 1 (DC Archive Edition)
Losers Vol. 2: Double Down
Buddha Vol. 1: Kapilavastu
On my shelf waiting to be read
Battle Royale Vol. 1, 2, 3
Hanazakari no Kimitachi he Vol. 2
Marmalade Boy Vol. 6
Stray Bullets Vol. 1
Hawkman Vol. 3: Wings of Fury
Ministry of Space
Human Target
Hysteria Vol. 2
She-Hulk Vol. 1: Single Green Female
Madrox: Multiple Choice
Y: The Last Man Vol. 3: One Small Step
Adam Strange: Planet Heist
Maxx Book 4
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) May 2005
Today, I received the 3 volumes of Battle Royale that I bought from another LJ user. The package was severely beaten up but the contents were for the most part in decent shape.
While looking for a place to eat in Wheaton I noticed Barbarian Comics (formerly known as Barbarian Bookstore). I thought they had gone out of business. So I went in after lunch, browsed for twenty minutes and ended up picking up the TokyoPop Free Comic Book Day sampler and a back issue of Alter Ego. I found out that the store has been around for 38 years, since 1968. I first went there in 1979. It has changed quite a bit over the years. They are in their 3rd location, all in the same little shopping area. Now it is just a comic book store, although they do have a nice little selection of manga.
Blood of the Demon # 1 - I liked this issue more than I thought I would. I ordered it in part because Jason Blood and the Demon are unusual characters. Having lived for centuries Blood has an interesting collection of weapons and he uses a sampling of them in this issue. Very cool. Reminded me of Hawkman in that way. I also bought the book because is written and drawn by John Byrne. He's had his misfires in the comic book world and from what I've read also on comic book related message boards. I started collecting comic books when he (and Chris Claremont) were hitting it big during his original run on X-Men, which I loved. I have been a fan (of one stripe or another) ever since. That said, I liked the issue. Will I like the series? I dunno and I haven't ordered or bought any more issues.
Justice League Elite # 9 - Hard to believe this series is winding down. For the most part, I've really enjoyed it. I did think the previous issue was a little flat, but this one more than made up for it. I'll admit it's not the easiest book in the world to read. That's probably due in large part to the manner in which Joe Kelly has plotted the series. The focus is constantly shifting. Its rare to see one character featured for more than a page or two. I also like how the alliances (and romantic entanglements) seem to be constantly shifting as the members of the team try to figure out which of them killed the President of Chang-sa.
Exiles Book 8 - This trade paperback collects the first six issues written by Tony Bedard. It's a crazy sort of series in which castaways from the X-Men jump from one universe to another at the behest of some powerful alien. It reminds me of both Negation, the book that Bedard wrote for the now defunct CrossGen, and the sci-fi TV series Sliders. In the first three issues the mutant team dukes out with the Fantastic Four and the Sub-Mariner. I'm not wild about the artwork but I like the writing, especially the humor. If I enjoy the rest of the book as much as I enjoyed the first three issues I'll probably end up getting the next collection, which is already out.
I've spent a little bit of time at work in the file room, the last couple days. The smell of paper reminds me of a comic book store. Mmmmmmm....
If your looking for something humorous to read I recommend trying either GLA or Action Philosophers. Both have me cracking up. GLA, which stands for Great Lakes Avengers, is created by the same team that did the last few issues of She-Hulk. Great stuff. Action Philosophers (published by Evil Twin Comics) retells the life story of three philosophers, Plato (Wresling Superstar of Ancient Greece), Bodhidharma (Master of Kung-Fu), and Nietzsche (the Übermensch) in very funny ways. Its supposed to be all true, but I've got my doubts.
I just got an e-mail this morning that there is going to be another comic convention here in DC. Its this Sunday. Not much notice, but I don't have any big plans, so I'm going. Rich Buckler, the original penciler for All-Star Squadron is going to be there. Maybe I'll try and get a piece of original art work from him. I always liked the way he drew the Golden Age superheroes, especially Hawkman. I don't know how much he charges. Unfortuntely there won't be much there other than dealers and a few artists. There isn't a whole lot that I'm interested in getting, but last time I was there I got a bunch of back issues at really cheap prices. Its always fun to browse.
I went to the DC Comicon today. It was much busier than the last one, in January. I only spent $2 on comic books. There just wasn't much that looked appealing. I prefer not to spend just to spend. I did find a copy of a graphic novel that I've been looking for a while now. It was half off cover price, but it was also kind of beat up. I decided not to get it.
Today, I received the 3 volumes of Battle Royale that I bought from another LJ user. The package was severely beaten up but the contents were for the most part in decent shape.
While looking for a place to eat in Wheaton I noticed Barbarian Comics (formerly known as Barbarian Bookstore). I thought they had gone out of business. So I went in after lunch, browsed for twenty minutes and ended up picking up the TokyoPop Free Comic Book Day sampler and a back issue of Alter Ego. I found out that the store has been around for 38 years, since 1968. I first went there in 1979. It has changed quite a bit over the years. They are in their 3rd location, all in the same little shopping area. Now it is just a comic book store, although they do have a nice little selection of manga.
Blood of the Demon # 1 - I liked this issue more than I thought I would. I ordered it in part because Jason Blood and the Demon are unusual characters. Having lived for centuries Blood has an interesting collection of weapons and he uses a sampling of them in this issue. Very cool. Reminded me of Hawkman in that way. I also bought the book because is written and drawn by John Byrne. He's had his misfires in the comic book world and from what I've read also on comic book related message boards. I started collecting comic books when he (and Chris Claremont) were hitting it big during his original run on X-Men, which I loved. I have been a fan (of one stripe or another) ever since. That said, I liked the issue. Will I like the series? I dunno and I haven't ordered or bought any more issues.
Justice League Elite # 9 - Hard to believe this series is winding down. For the most part, I've really enjoyed it. I did think the previous issue was a little flat, but this one more than made up for it. I'll admit it's not the easiest book in the world to read. That's probably due in large part to the manner in which Joe Kelly has plotted the series. The focus is constantly shifting. Its rare to see one character featured for more than a page or two. I also like how the alliances (and romantic entanglements) seem to be constantly shifting as the members of the team try to figure out which of them killed the President of Chang-sa.
Exiles Book 8 - This trade paperback collects the first six issues written by Tony Bedard. It's a crazy sort of series in which castaways from the X-Men jump from one universe to another at the behest of some powerful alien. It reminds me of both Negation, the book that Bedard wrote for the now defunct CrossGen, and the sci-fi TV series Sliders. In the first three issues the mutant team dukes out with the Fantastic Four and the Sub-Mariner. I'm not wild about the artwork but I like the writing, especially the humor. If I enjoy the rest of the book as much as I enjoyed the first three issues I'll probably end up getting the next collection, which is already out.
I've spent a little bit of time at work in the file room, the last couple days. The smell of paper reminds me of a comic book store. Mmmmmmm....
If your looking for something humorous to read I recommend trying either GLA or Action Philosophers. Both have me cracking up. GLA, which stands for Great Lakes Avengers, is created by the same team that did the last few issues of She-Hulk. Great stuff. Action Philosophers (published by Evil Twin Comics) retells the life story of three philosophers, Plato (Wresling Superstar of Ancient Greece), Bodhidharma (Master of Kung-Fu), and Nietzsche (the Übermensch) in very funny ways. Its supposed to be all true, but I've got my doubts.
I just got an e-mail this morning that there is going to be another comic convention here in DC. Its this Sunday. Not much notice, but I don't have any big plans, so I'm going. Rich Buckler, the original penciler for All-Star Squadron is going to be there. Maybe I'll try and get a piece of original art work from him. I always liked the way he drew the Golden Age superheroes, especially Hawkman. I don't know how much he charges. Unfortuntely there won't be much there other than dealers and a few artists. There isn't a whole lot that I'm interested in getting, but last time I was there I got a bunch of back issues at really cheap prices. Its always fun to browse.
I went to the DC Comicon today. It was much busier than the last one, in January. I only spent $2 on comic books. There just wasn't much that looked appealing. I prefer not to spend just to spend. I did find a copy of a graphic novel that I've been looking for a while now. It was half off cover price, but it was also kind of beat up. I decided not to get it.
Blood of the Demon,
Justice League Elite
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Apr 2005
Read, read, read. I finally got my shipment of comic books on Monday. Not too much volume wise.
Just seven comic books:
- Blood of the Demon # 1
- Breach # 3
- Ballad of Sleeping Beauty # 8
- Justice League Elite # 9
- Simpsons/Futurama Crossover Crisis # 2
- Breakdown # 5
- Fallen Angel # 19
and three collections:
- Ministry of Space TPB
- Enemy Ace HC
- Losers: Double Down TPB
plus the Previews catalog.
The Enemy Ace book wasn't cheap but it is gorgeous. I just love pictures of planes and aerial combat from WWI. I also adore Joe Kubert's art work. So far I have only read the Simpsons Futurama comic. Very funny.
I'm already making my list of comics to order this month. So far there isn't much on it.
- Breach # 6
- Doom Patrol # 13
- Justice League Elite # 12 (of 12)
- Solo # 5 (by Darwyn Cooke)
- GLA # 3 (of 4)
- Deal with the Devil # 3 (of 5)
- Action Philosophers All Sex Special # 1
- Human Target TP
- She-Hulk: Single Green Female TP
- Previews Catalog
OK, maybe that's more than not much, but I could easily order more. I could if I weren't so disciplined about not ordering more than I can read. It is also a function of avoiding comic books for the most part and waiting for the trade collection to be published. Sometimes the wait is long, and it isn't always worth it, but it does tend to keep my expenditures down.
Winding down. Gotta go do other things. Its been a couple months since I published the list but here it is:
Finished Reading
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Kare Kano Book 4
- Human Target Book 2
- Love Fights Book 2
- Marmalade Boy Book 4
- Phoenix Book 2: A Tale of the Future
- Queen & Country Book 1
- Scion Book 4
- Y: The Last Man Book 2
Currently Reading
- Enemy Ace (DC Archive Edition)
- Marmalade Boy Book 5
- Maxx Book 3
Have Not Started Reading Yet
- Buddha Book 1
- Hana-Kimi Book 2
- Losers Book 2
- Marmalade Boy Book 6
- Ministry of Space
- Powers Book 1
Ordered But Have Not Received Yet
- Stray Bullets Book 1
- Hysteria Book 2
- Hawkman Book 3
- Exiles Book 8
Breach # 3 - I enjoyed this issue more than the last one. The last one was kind of hard to follow. It wasn't until I reread # 2, just before reading # 3, that it all made sense. Anyhow the pieces are starting to fall into place. I'm getting into this series. Major Zanetti has woken up after being in a coma for about 20 years. The world has changed quite a bit. He has changed quite a bit. He isn't exactly human anymore.
I love the whole military angle of this thing. Kinda reminds me of how the military is portrayed on Justice League Unlimited. They don't trust the superheroes to save them or to always be on their side, so they hedge their bets by trying to develop technology to rival what the Justice League and others possess.
I like how they brought in Kobra's organization. Although it resembled Hydra quite bit. I didn't remember that about Kobra. Based on the way the issue wound down another organization, the JLA, will be making an appearance next issue.
I also like the artwork. Some splash panels, but also some effectively used small ones. It may eventually get collected but for now I think I will continue to buy it in comic book form.
Jack of Hearts # 1 - This is an oldy but goody in my book. This is the first in a four-issue miniseries. The miniseries was orginally released over 20 years ago. I don't think it has ever been reprinted. You can probably pick it up pretty cheap. It was written by Bill Mantlo, who also created Cloak and Dagger. He wrote a number of stories I enjoyed.
Anyhow, this series focuses on a character who was (at the time) relatively new to the Marvel Universe. From what I can tell this is the only Jack of Hearts mini-series ever released. He never got his own ongoing series. Prior to this series he had a few guest appearances here and there. I think he was originally a villain. This series find him in the custody of SHIELD. Jack is the wielder of great power which he doesn't completely understand. SHIELD considers him a threat and so are keeping him in (what they think) is a secure facility. Over the course of the series Jack learns more about his powers, learns that his mother was an alien, and travels to the planet that half his ancestry comes from. Once there he learns that the planet is in danger of dying (I think the sun was getting ready to go nova or something I haven't finished rereading the series yet) and gets embroiled in local politics.
The artwork is pretty good for the time, although the colors and quality of the paper that the series was printed on leave a lot to be desired.
Read a little more of Maxx (Book 3) and Generation X.
I haven't gotten the previews catalog yet, but MailOrderComics is offering a couple deals this month that sound a little too good to pass up.
Sgt. Rock Archives Vol. 3 - I haven't read the first two volumes, but this is an episodic series. There are no long story arcs here and very little in the way of continuity. I enjoy war comics. It isn't cheap, but I was thinking of buying the first volume and they are offering this one for almost 1/2 price.
Captain America Vol. 1 - This is the first colection of the news series. I read and enjoyed the first issue. I like the story and the art. Not much to dissuade me here. Plus, they are offering it for 1/2 price this month.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Mar 2005
I got home last night to find that the offer letter had not arrived yet and neither had my comic books. UPS tried to deliver the comic books, but I wasn't there and apparently there wasn't anyone else around to sign for them. Usually they just leave 'em at my door. If no one is there to sign for 'em today or tomorrow I will have to drive to Laurel on Friday evening to pick them up. *sigh*
I checked on line this morning. Mail Order Comics updated my account to indicate which comics they sent me. It looks like they only sent comic books, no trades. I wonder why? I was expecting to get two or three trades in this month's shipment.
Kare Kano Book 4 - I finally started reading it. I think I bought it back in December. They've introduced a bratty new character, Tsubasa, from Arima's past. So I guess in a way she isn't new, but it is her first appearance in the series. She is very cute, used to getting her way, and in the past was good friends with Arima. He thought of her as a younger sister. When Arima introduces Yukino as his girlfriend Tsubasa goes kind of nutty. So far so good. At the same time Maho is still trying to freeze Yukino out by convincing all the other girls in their class to not talk to her.
I think Tsubasa is the first serious challenge (from another girl) to Yukino's relationship with Arima. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Batman: The Long Halloween - A killer starts bumping off members of Gotham's organized crime families. Batman (with help from Comissioner Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent) investigates. Joker, Catwoman, Solomon Grundy, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Scarecrow, and the Mad Hatter put in appearances. Nearly everyone is a suspect, including Harvey Dent.
The art, by Tim Sale, is gorgeous. I wish I knew more about the technical aspects of art so I could describe it properly.
The story is okay, it has its moments. The ending leaves me mystified and chilled. I think the writer, Jeph Loeb, put too many elements into the story. Its not a bad effort, but I think it would have worked much better if the story had been more focused. I can see how it might satisfy people if they read it one chapter at a time. It reminds me of one of those Hollywood blockbusters that has a ton of stars in it but still manages to come up short. Its fun to read but leaves me feeling less that satisfied on some levels.
I've been looking at the DC Comics solicitations for June. Not much jumps out at me. I figure I will buy Justice League Elite # 12, the last in this limited series. I also plan to order Breach # 6, latest issue in this ongoing series. I like what I've read so far, just the first issue. I've got # 2, I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
Kissing John Byrne
What is up with JB? Two (Doom Patrol and Blood of the Demon) of the three titles he draws for DC have characters kissing on the cover. In both cases one of the characters looks passionate and the other suprised. Well, maybe not in the case of Doom Patrol # 13. After all, how can a robot look suprised? Still I may just buy the issue based on the cover. It will probably be awful, but that passionate kiss on the cover does things for me. :P
Just for reference sake here is the other kissing cover, Blood of the Demon # 4.
What else?
Well, Solo # 5 is done by Darwyn Cooke. The only other issue in this series that I bought was the Tim Sale ish. Well worth it and I expect this one will be too. It features stories starring two non-powered types from the DCU, Slam Bradley and King Faraday, both of whom played a role in what I think was the best miniseries of 2004, DC: The New Frontier, which of course was also written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke.
That's about it, from DC. Nothing else really catches my eye. Although the new JSA/Hawkman trade that collects the Black Reign story line is tempting, but I probably won't preorder it.
Aside from DC there is a neat article over at Newarama about Phil Hester's new mini-series published by Devil's Due, The Stronghold. It won't be out until August, but it looks really cool to me.
I got home last night to find that the offer letter had not arrived yet and neither had my comic books. UPS tried to deliver the comic books, but I wasn't there and apparently there wasn't anyone else around to sign for them. Usually they just leave 'em at my door. If no one is there to sign for 'em today or tomorrow I will have to drive to Laurel on Friday evening to pick them up. *sigh*
I checked on line this morning. Mail Order Comics updated my account to indicate which comics they sent me. It looks like they only sent comic books, no trades. I wonder why? I was expecting to get two or three trades in this month's shipment.
Kare Kano Book 4 - I finally started reading it. I think I bought it back in December. They've introduced a bratty new character, Tsubasa, from Arima's past. So I guess in a way she isn't new, but it is her first appearance in the series. She is very cute, used to getting her way, and in the past was good friends with Arima. He thought of her as a younger sister. When Arima introduces Yukino as his girlfriend Tsubasa goes kind of nutty. So far so good. At the same time Maho is still trying to freeze Yukino out by convincing all the other girls in their class to not talk to her.
I think Tsubasa is the first serious challenge (from another girl) to Yukino's relationship with Arima. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Batman: The Long Halloween - A killer starts bumping off members of Gotham's organized crime families. Batman (with help from Comissioner Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent) investigates. Joker, Catwoman, Solomon Grundy, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Scarecrow, and the Mad Hatter put in appearances. Nearly everyone is a suspect, including Harvey Dent.
The art, by Tim Sale, is gorgeous. I wish I knew more about the technical aspects of art so I could describe it properly.
The story is okay, it has its moments. The ending leaves me mystified and chilled. I think the writer, Jeph Loeb, put too many elements into the story. Its not a bad effort, but I think it would have worked much better if the story had been more focused. I can see how it might satisfy people if they read it one chapter at a time. It reminds me of one of those Hollywood blockbusters that has a ton of stars in it but still manages to come up short. Its fun to read but leaves me feeling less that satisfied on some levels.
I've been looking at the DC Comics solicitations for June. Not much jumps out at me. I figure I will buy Justice League Elite # 12, the last in this limited series. I also plan to order Breach # 6, latest issue in this ongoing series. I like what I've read so far, just the first issue. I've got # 2, I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
Kissing John Byrne
What is up with JB? Two (Doom Patrol and Blood of the Demon) of the three titles he draws for DC have characters kissing on the cover. In both cases one of the characters looks passionate and the other suprised. Well, maybe not in the case of Doom Patrol # 13. After all, how can a robot look suprised? Still I may just buy the issue based on the cover. It will probably be awful, but that passionate kiss on the cover does things for me. :P
Just for reference sake here is the other kissing cover, Blood of the Demon # 4.
What else?
Well, Solo # 5 is done by Darwyn Cooke. The only other issue in this series that I bought was the Tim Sale ish. Well worth it and I expect this one will be too. It features stories starring two non-powered types from the DCU, Slam Bradley and King Faraday, both of whom played a role in what I think was the best miniseries of 2004, DC: The New Frontier, which of course was also written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke.
That's about it, from DC. Nothing else really catches my eye. Although the new JSA/Hawkman trade that collects the Black Reign story line is tempting, but I probably won't preorder it.
Aside from DC there is a neat article over at Newarama about Phil Hester's new mini-series published by Devil's Due, The Stronghold. It won't be out until August, but it looks really cool to me.
kare kano,
Long Halloween,
what I bought,
what I read
Monday, February 28, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Feb 2005
Previews Catalog Part 1
Marvel - not much here, just GLA # 1, and Strange # 5. Not wild about this miniseries, but I wanna see how it winds up. I can't see myself ordering anything else from Marvel this month. I wanted to order Exiles Book 8, but I need to take a break from ordering trade paperbacks. They are starting to pile up again. Wolverine: Enemy of the State HC has me intrigued. I know it got hyped, so it probably isn't as good as it looks, but I do like John Romita Jr.'s artwork. Other collections? How about Black Widow: Homecoming or She-Hulk: Superhuman Law? They both look like fun reads.
Dark Horse - Steve Rude's The Moth is finally out in trade paperback form. I perused the comics at the comic shop. It has a retro look to it that I like and the story looked kind of zany. Not this month, but it goes on my list.
DC - Batman: Faces TP written and drawn by Matt Wagner. I'm willing to give it a try, but not this month. No trade paperbacks, thank you! I will get Breach # 4. This series looks cool. I just got issue # 1, and haven't read it yet, but it just has one of those looks to that make me wanna get it. I hope it lives up to expectations; mine at least. Justice League Elite # 10? But of course. If I was going to get a trade paperback and I wanted it to be something different then I might get Strontium Dog: The Early Cases. Looks cool. Bounty hunters are cool.
Image - Invincible # 0 looks like a cost effective purchase at 50 cents. It is yet another series that I have heard good things about and want to try. The Iron Ghost # 1 looks very cool. Definitely looks reminiscent of The Shadow.
So far I am ordering:
- GLA # 1
- Strange # 5
- Breach # 4
- Justice League Elite # 10
- Invincible # 0
- Iron Ghost # 1
There still all the smaller publishers to go through, but not tonight. Hopefully tomorrow or over the weekend.
Here's the list of trade paperbacks that I want to buy. Overtime I will buy some of them. I doubt that I will ever get them all. Some I may lost interest in before I get them or may just get dropped off the list without being purchased.
Previews Catalog Part 2
ADV Films - Not just films, manga too. Only thing to mention here is Ray. Story about a girl who is raised to be harvested for her body parts, but who escapes and attempts to live a normal life. Sounds good to me, but not this month.
Alias Enterprises LLC - Deal with the Devil looks too good to pass up. I don't know the writer or artist, but its the first ish of a four issue mini and looks too good to pass up. And it is only 75 cents. Other than that Alias seems to have quite a few T&A looking titles, like 10th Muse and Judo Girl, that catch my eye but that I think I will pass on. OK maybe not all of them feature scantily female characters, but I still think I will still pass on the rest.
Devil's Due Publishing - Breakdown continues to be a fun ride, so I will continue to buy. Plot? Good guy turns into a vigilante after his family gets wiped out by the baddies.
Evil Twin Comics - Action Philosophers # 1? Yes. Why? Looks too silly for me to pass up. I need to at least give it a try.
ibooks - Blacksad # 2 looks good, but at $12.95 its a little more than I feel like spending this month, even though at 56 pages it isn't very long. The first book was just plain gorgeous. Blacksad # 3? Nah, I don't buy sketchbooks.
IDW - Easy Way #1 looks interesting, but I'm not wild about the $3.99 cover price. Maybe someday they'll collect it in a trade paperback.
Second to Some Studios - I can't remember how long it has been since the last issue came out, but Fade From Blue # 10 is finally being solicited. Final chapter.
Viz LLC - Midori's Days Book 1, also known as Midori no Hibi. I was reading it on a snoopycool.com, but its no longer available there. I might just buy it, but not this month.
That's about it so let's see. From the second half of the catalog I am ordering:
- Deal With the Devil # 1
- Breakdown # 6
- Action Philosophers # 1
- Fade From Blue # 10
No trades this month.
Batman: The Long Halloween - I've read the first six (of thirteen) chapters. I love the artwork and the story isn't bad, but haven't I read this story before? Maybe it wouldn't seem as dated as if I had read it when it first came out. What I mean is that it reminds me a lot of Batman: Hush, in that it is a pageant. Batman is trying to solve a mystery and as he works he crosses paths with a number of prominent characters (Joker, Harvey Dent, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Riddler) from his past/present. Instead of focusing on his relationship with any one or two of these characters the point of the story seems to be to showcase, Tim Sale's art if nothing else. I like the characterizations and as I said before I love the art. I just wish there was more to the story.
Haven't written much about what I've been reading lately. Not much change to the list of trade paperbacks I am reading other than the fact that I started reading Queen & Country Book 1, but here it is anyway:
Recently Finished Reading
- Human Target Book 2
- Marmalade Boy Book 4
Currently Reading
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Phoenix Book 2: A Tale of the Future
- Queen & Country Book 1
Have Not Started Reading Yet
- Scion Book 4
- Kare Kano Book 4
- Marmalade Boy Book 5
- Marmalade Boy Book 6
- Maxx Book 3
- Y: The Last Man Book 2
- Love Fights Book 2
Ordered But Have Not Received Yet
- Ministry of Space
- Stray Bullets Book 1
- Enemy Ace (DC Archive Edition)
- Losers Book 2
- Hysteria Book 2
The online solicitations for DC Comics (to be realeased in May) are out. There are only a few things that jump out and make me want to buy them.
The Golden Age TPB - DC is finally releasing a new printing of this miniseries, that I have heard so much about. Gotta have it, but I might wait until it comes out and not preorder.
Hawkman Book 3 - Just a year after the last TPB collection came out here it is.
Losers Book 3 - I have yet to read book 2, but I will probably be buying this one somewhere down the line.
Later that afternoon we checked out two of the bigger comic book stores in NYC. The first, Midtown Comics, had a huge selection, but for the most part it was mainstream (DC, Marvel, Image, etc.) and not much in the way of back issues on the racks. The second comic book store, Jim Hanley's Universe, was much more to my liking. It had a bigger selection of independents than it did of mainstream. I found the two back issues of Heroes Anonymous that I was missing.
Y: The Last Man Book 2 - I'm only one chapter in, but so far so good. Who woulda thunk that this series could be this good. It is entertaining on more than one level, too. It is exciting and amusing. It makes me think about trying Ex Machina, another series written by Brian K. Vaughn.
Flipping back and forth between unflopped manga and American comic books sometimes gets me confused and I start reading from the wrong side of the page. Lately I've started reading Naruto and Gantz @ degreeanime.com. While I wait for the pages to load I sometimes read from comic books.
Batman: The Long Halloween - Still reading it. Love the artwork. It is very dark and expressive. I'm not gaga about the coloring job, but I think it goes well with the sort of story that is being told and the work done by the penciler/inker, Tim Sale. I also like the detail in the artwork. It isn't always realistic. For instance the Joker's toothy smile looks positively and unrealistically horrific. And just because the work is detailed doesn't mean that you can see all the fine lines on every characters face. Anyhoo, I've got about 3 more chapters to go in this monster epic.
Phoenix Book 2 - Still reading it too. I guess I am close to the halfway point. This is a very different story from the first book. I can't wait to see how things work out in the end. Osamu Tezuka's artwork is sheer genius. Visually he tells a story as well as any artist I can think of. The flow from one panel to the next is smooth and logical.
That's it for now. I still have quite a few comics and trade paparebacks waiting in the wings to be read.
Breach # 1 - I like it. It reads more like something that Marvel would publish, but I like it. What's it about? An experiment 20 years ago gone wrong. Man horribly transformed. Story begins in December 2005. That is not a typo. Then the story flashes back to show how (in 1985) he was transformed. Of course he left a wife and kid behind. Angst. The first issue more or less just tells his origin. What comes next? I can't wait to read the next issue and find out why he, his wife, best friend and a couple others were in a helicopter than crashed in Siberia.
Previews Catalog Part 1
Marvel - not much here, just GLA # 1, and Strange # 5. Not wild about this miniseries, but I wanna see how it winds up. I can't see myself ordering anything else from Marvel this month. I wanted to order Exiles Book 8, but I need to take a break from ordering trade paperbacks. They are starting to pile up again. Wolverine: Enemy of the State HC has me intrigued. I know it got hyped, so it probably isn't as good as it looks, but I do like John Romita Jr.'s artwork. Other collections? How about Black Widow: Homecoming or She-Hulk: Superhuman Law? They both look like fun reads.
Dark Horse - Steve Rude's The Moth is finally out in trade paperback form. I perused the comics at the comic shop. It has a retro look to it that I like and the story looked kind of zany. Not this month, but it goes on my list.
DC - Batman: Faces TP written and drawn by Matt Wagner. I'm willing to give it a try, but not this month. No trade paperbacks, thank you! I will get Breach # 4. This series looks cool. I just got issue # 1, and haven't read it yet, but it just has one of those looks to that make me wanna get it. I hope it lives up to expectations; mine at least. Justice League Elite # 10? But of course. If I was going to get a trade paperback and I wanted it to be something different then I might get Strontium Dog: The Early Cases. Looks cool. Bounty hunters are cool.
Image - Invincible # 0 looks like a cost effective purchase at 50 cents. It is yet another series that I have heard good things about and want to try. The Iron Ghost # 1 looks very cool. Definitely looks reminiscent of The Shadow.
So far I am ordering:
- GLA # 1
- Strange # 5
- Breach # 4
- Justice League Elite # 10
- Invincible # 0
- Iron Ghost # 1
There still all the smaller publishers to go through, but not tonight. Hopefully tomorrow or over the weekend.
Here's the list of trade paperbacks that I want to buy. Overtime I will buy some of them. I doubt that I will ever get them all. Some I may lost interest in before I get them or may just get dropped off the list without being purchased.
Previews Catalog Part 2
ADV Films - Not just films, manga too. Only thing to mention here is Ray. Story about a girl who is raised to be harvested for her body parts, but who escapes and attempts to live a normal life. Sounds good to me, but not this month.
Alias Enterprises LLC - Deal with the Devil looks too good to pass up. I don't know the writer or artist, but its the first ish of a four issue mini and looks too good to pass up. And it is only 75 cents. Other than that Alias seems to have quite a few T&A looking titles, like 10th Muse and Judo Girl, that catch my eye but that I think I will pass on. OK maybe not all of them feature scantily female characters, but I still think I will still pass on the rest.
Devil's Due Publishing - Breakdown continues to be a fun ride, so I will continue to buy. Plot? Good guy turns into a vigilante after his family gets wiped out by the baddies.
Evil Twin Comics - Action Philosophers # 1? Yes. Why? Looks too silly for me to pass up. I need to at least give it a try.
ibooks - Blacksad # 2 looks good, but at $12.95 its a little more than I feel like spending this month, even though at 56 pages it isn't very long. The first book was just plain gorgeous. Blacksad # 3? Nah, I don't buy sketchbooks.
IDW - Easy Way #1 looks interesting, but I'm not wild about the $3.99 cover price. Maybe someday they'll collect it in a trade paperback.
Second to Some Studios - I can't remember how long it has been since the last issue came out, but Fade From Blue # 10 is finally being solicited. Final chapter.
Viz LLC - Midori's Days Book 1, also known as Midori no Hibi. I was reading it on a snoopycool.com, but its no longer available there. I might just buy it, but not this month.
That's about it so let's see. From the second half of the catalog I am ordering:
- Deal With the Devil # 1
- Breakdown # 6
- Action Philosophers # 1
- Fade From Blue # 10
No trades this month.
Batman: The Long Halloween - I've read the first six (of thirteen) chapters. I love the artwork and the story isn't bad, but haven't I read this story before? Maybe it wouldn't seem as dated as if I had read it when it first came out. What I mean is that it reminds me a lot of Batman: Hush, in that it is a pageant. Batman is trying to solve a mystery and as he works he crosses paths with a number of prominent characters (Joker, Harvey Dent, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Riddler) from his past/present. Instead of focusing on his relationship with any one or two of these characters the point of the story seems to be to showcase, Tim Sale's art if nothing else. I like the characterizations and as I said before I love the art. I just wish there was more to the story.
Haven't written much about what I've been reading lately. Not much change to the list of trade paperbacks I am reading other than the fact that I started reading Queen & Country Book 1, but here it is anyway:
Recently Finished Reading
- Human Target Book 2
- Marmalade Boy Book 4
Currently Reading
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Phoenix Book 2: A Tale of the Future
- Queen & Country Book 1
Have Not Started Reading Yet
- Scion Book 4
- Kare Kano Book 4
- Marmalade Boy Book 5
- Marmalade Boy Book 6
- Maxx Book 3
- Y: The Last Man Book 2
- Love Fights Book 2
Ordered But Have Not Received Yet
- Ministry of Space
- Stray Bullets Book 1
- Enemy Ace (DC Archive Edition)
- Losers Book 2
- Hysteria Book 2
The online solicitations for DC Comics (to be realeased in May) are out. There are only a few things that jump out and make me want to buy them.
The Golden Age TPB - DC is finally releasing a new printing of this miniseries, that I have heard so much about. Gotta have it, but I might wait until it comes out and not preorder.
Hawkman Book 3 - Just a year after the last TPB collection came out here it is.
Losers Book 3 - I have yet to read book 2, but I will probably be buying this one somewhere down the line.
Later that afternoon we checked out two of the bigger comic book stores in NYC. The first, Midtown Comics, had a huge selection, but for the most part it was mainstream (DC, Marvel, Image, etc.) and not much in the way of back issues on the racks. The second comic book store, Jim Hanley's Universe, was much more to my liking. It had a bigger selection of independents than it did of mainstream. I found the two back issues of Heroes Anonymous that I was missing.
Y: The Last Man Book 2 - I'm only one chapter in, but so far so good. Who woulda thunk that this series could be this good. It is entertaining on more than one level, too. It is exciting and amusing. It makes me think about trying Ex Machina, another series written by Brian K. Vaughn.
Flipping back and forth between unflopped manga and American comic books sometimes gets me confused and I start reading from the wrong side of the page. Lately I've started reading Naruto and Gantz @ degreeanime.com. While I wait for the pages to load I sometimes read from comic books.
Batman: The Long Halloween - Still reading it. Love the artwork. It is very dark and expressive. I'm not gaga about the coloring job, but I think it goes well with the sort of story that is being told and the work done by the penciler/inker, Tim Sale. I also like the detail in the artwork. It isn't always realistic. For instance the Joker's toothy smile looks positively and unrealistically horrific. And just because the work is detailed doesn't mean that you can see all the fine lines on every characters face. Anyhoo, I've got about 3 more chapters to go in this monster epic.
Phoenix Book 2 - Still reading it too. I guess I am close to the halfway point. This is a very different story from the first book. I can't wait to see how things work out in the end. Osamu Tezuka's artwork is sheer genius. Visually he tells a story as well as any artist I can think of. The flow from one panel to the next is smooth and logical.
That's it for now. I still have quite a few comics and trade paparebacks waiting in the wings to be read.
Breach # 1 - I like it. It reads more like something that Marvel would publish, but I like it. What's it about? An experiment 20 years ago gone wrong. Man horribly transformed. Story begins in December 2005. That is not a typo. Then the story flashes back to show how (in 1985) he was transformed. Of course he left a wife and kid behind. Angst. The first issue more or less just tells his origin. What comes next? I can't wait to read the next issue and find out why he, his wife, best friend and a couple others were in a helicopter than crashed in Siberia.
Long Halloween,
what I bought,
what I read,
y: the last man
Monday, January 31, 2005
Comic Book Notes (LJ) Jan 2005
I haven't been reading a whole lot lately. I've been kinda busy with other stuff. I finished off Ranma 1/2 Book 4 and Hana-Kimi Book 1, over a week ago. I'm winding down on Rex Mundi Book 1 and Scion Book 3.
Marmalade Boy Book 4 - I just started it. I'm not even halfway through the first chapter, which is kinda long. It opens with Miki and her best friend, Meiko, spying on Miki's step-brother, Yuu. He has been spending a lot of time with another good-looking guy, Satoshi. Naturally, everyone at school starts suspecting that they are gay, including Miki who doesn't want to believe it because she has a crush on Yuu.
I love the dialogue and how the characters convince themselves (of Yuu and Satoshi's relationship) without concrete evidence to back up their suspicions. Meiko, getting over her own soap-operatic moment in the sun in Book 3, is tickled pink over the possibilities. Miki only makes things worse for herself by eavesdropping on Yuu and Satoshi, and then trying to figure out what they are talking about in a round about sort of way. Anyhow I find it all very amusing.
I just read (on Newsarama)about Will Eisner passing away last night. I've read a few of his graphic novels. I think I have two of them, Fagin the Jew and another older one. Never got around to reading The Spirit.
I've been thinking more about buying some of the DC Archive Editions of this series and other series. I don't want to get them every month, but maybe once every three months I'll pick one up. They usually sell for 35% off (the $50 cover price) at MailOrderComics.
I'd love to pick up some of the Archive Editions that were drawn by Joe Kubert like Enemy Ace, Sgt. Rock, and Adam Strange. I'm primarily interested in Silver Age Archive Editions, but I'd also like to get New Teen Titans by Wolfman, Perez, and Giordano. Watching Teen Titans on TV really makes me wanna go back and read and reread the stories from the late-70's and early 80's.
Well I don't feel quite as bad as I did after reading the obit. Still, it is sad to be without such a prolific and influential talent. At least we still have his stories.
Well, my monthly shipment should be arrive today. I found out yesterday that two trade paperbacks that were scheduled to be included will not be, so I'll only be getting two trade paperbacks instead of four. :(
On time - Batman: The Long Halloween, Queen & Country Vol. 1
Late - Ministry of Space, Love Fights Vol. 2
At this point I'm just glad to be getting a shipment. I haven't had the time to make it to the comic shop lately and I ran out of new comic books a couple weeks ago. I've been living off of trade paperbacks (Rex Mundi Book 1, Scion Vol 3), manga (Marmalade Boy Vol. 4), and back issues (X-Men: The Hidden Years, Marvel: The Lost Generation, Superman & Batman: Generations 3, Route 666, Dreadstar).
S&B:G3 sucks by comparison to the previous two mini-series. Most of the issues are forgettable. Some of the artwork looks incomplete and most of it is very roughly drawn.
M:TLG is much better by comparison to S&B:G3 but that's not saying much. I bought both these series a couple years back and am just getting arounf to reading them. At least I don't feel like I completely wasted my money on them.
* Comic books arrived on time. Batman: The Long Halloween is a long book, longer than I realized, about 350 pages long. I spent about an hour going through the Previews catalog. There wasn't too much that caught my eye that I hadn't already earmarked.
* I hear it on NPR: an interview with Sharad Devarajan, CEO of Gotham Entertainment Group, which has licensed the Marvel Comics characters to be distributed in South Asia. Their first publication is Spider-Man India, featuring Pavitr Prabhakar as Peter Parker.
Link: Fresh Air for Thursday January 6, 2005 (you have to scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page to find the link to the audio of the interview. It is about 20 minutes long.
Trade Paperbacks and Manga
Currently Reading
+ Rex Mundi Book 1: The Guardian of the Temple
+ Scion Book 3: Divided Loyalties
+ Marmalade Boy Book 4
Waiting to be Read
+ Batman: The Long Halloween
+ Queen & Country Book 1: Operation Broken Ground
+ Human Target Book 2: Living in Amerika
+ Kare Kano Book 4
+ Scion Book 4: Sanctuary
+ Marmalade Boy Book 5
+ Marmalade Boy Book 6
+ Ministry of Space
+ Love Fights Book 2
+ Maxx Book 3
+ Stray Bullets Book 1
+ Y: The Last Man Book 2
So I went to liberty Comics and splurged today. Well, I spent more than I usually do. I bought X-Men Unlimited # 6 which features a story written and drawn by the crew that used to write and draw Negation: Paul Pelletier, Dave Meikis, and Tony Bedard. It was okay. It was no where near as good as Negation. What was missing of course was Laura Martin's colors. That and a decent story. Anyone could have written this one.
Comparisons to Negation: The way the four women in this story interacted did remind me kind of the way the main female characters in Negation interacted. Emma White would obviously be Evinlea. Kitty Pryde would be Corrin. I guess Storm would be Shassa, but the correlation isn't as strong. That leaves Sage to be Iress.
I also bought...
+ Teen Titans # 19 - final issue in the Titans of Tomorrow story
+ She Hulk # 9 - the art is by Paul Pelletier and I've heard good things about this series
+ Phoenix Book 2: Future - a year after I bought the first volume in this series I finally got the second one. Written and drawn by the godfather of manga, Osamu Tezuka. I really enjoyed the first book. Not short, but the first book was very good so I have high hopes for this one.
She-Hulk # 9 - Very amusing. Jen trying to learn to control her new strength. Hercules being sued (by a supervillain) for being too aggressively heroic. Very amusing, the whole thing was very tongue in cheek. I may just have to pick up the next issue. It didn't hurt that Paul Pelletier did the pencils.
Teen Titans # 19 - Good but not great. Not good enough to convince me to continue buying this series. I have yet to be truly impressed or satisfied with Geoff Johns writing. I tried JSA for a while and didn't care for it, now I tried Teen Titans and was equally un-wowed. I did enjoy the whole Titans of Tomorrow story. It wasn't bad, but I get the impression that it was the time travel elements and not the writing that worked for me.
Human Target Book 2 - Chapter one of this book (six of the series) is one of those stories that I thinks works a little better if you know the ending in advance. The story was plodding along and I wasn't that impressed with it until I saw the twist in the tale. Then it hit pretty hard. This chapter is a self-contained story. The Human Target is hired to impersonate a priest who is being theatened by a local heavy. Christopher Chance (The Human Target) isn't a religious man, but after spending some time in the role of the priest he finds himself starting to sense that maybe there are things he should believe in. Then he encouters the heavy, and finds out why he has been trying to 'off' the priest: he was molested by the priest when he was a boy. Maybe I should have seen in coming. The story is set in Boston. Anyhow that casts the story in a very different light. I won't give any more of the story away, but I did like how it ends. Still I think there should have been some foreshadowing as to the true motivations of the heavy and the true nature of the priest.
Midori no Hibi is no longer available at SnoopyCool. There ain't much available anymore at SnoopyCool, but from what I understand the anime of Midori no Hibi is going to be released in March, by ADV. I haven't heard anyword on when the manga will be available.I managed to download te first two-and-a-half books before the SnoopyCool went down in December.
No Fallen Angel in April, according to DC. The next and probably last issue, # 20, will come out in May.
Last issue of Adam Strange comes out in March. I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the trade of that?
I'm still not going to order the individual issues of Identity Crisis. Even though DC is rereleasing all of them in March. I'm waiting for the trade, even if I have to wait until 2006. There are plenty of other things to read in the meanwhile.
Human Target is ending with # 21. The second trade collects up through # 10. I guess that means that there will be two more trade collections, hopefully.
Iron Ghost from Image looks good. Written by Ron Marz, it looks like a riff on The Shadow. It is a mini and only runs six issues. I'll probably wait for the trade.
Trade-wise, this month I decided to pre-order the second trade of The Losers (DC/Vertigo), Hysteria Book 2 (Oni Press; written and drawn by Mike Hawthorne), and the DC Archive Edition of Enemy Ace.
OK, that's enough for now. Time to read some more comic books.
I haven't been reading a whole lot lately. I've been kinda busy with other stuff. I finished off Ranma 1/2 Book 4 and Hana-Kimi Book 1, over a week ago. I'm winding down on Rex Mundi Book 1 and Scion Book 3.
Marmalade Boy Book 4 - I just started it. I'm not even halfway through the first chapter, which is kinda long. It opens with Miki and her best friend, Meiko, spying on Miki's step-brother, Yuu. He has been spending a lot of time with another good-looking guy, Satoshi. Naturally, everyone at school starts suspecting that they are gay, including Miki who doesn't want to believe it because she has a crush on Yuu.
I love the dialogue and how the characters convince themselves (of Yuu and Satoshi's relationship) without concrete evidence to back up their suspicions. Meiko, getting over her own soap-operatic moment in the sun in Book 3, is tickled pink over the possibilities. Miki only makes things worse for herself by eavesdropping on Yuu and Satoshi, and then trying to figure out what they are talking about in a round about sort of way. Anyhow I find it all very amusing.
I just read (on Newsarama)about Will Eisner passing away last night. I've read a few of his graphic novels. I think I have two of them, Fagin the Jew and another older one. Never got around to reading The Spirit.
I've been thinking more about buying some of the DC Archive Editions of this series and other series. I don't want to get them every month, but maybe once every three months I'll pick one up. They usually sell for 35% off (the $50 cover price) at MailOrderComics.
I'd love to pick up some of the Archive Editions that were drawn by Joe Kubert like Enemy Ace, Sgt. Rock, and Adam Strange. I'm primarily interested in Silver Age Archive Editions, but I'd also like to get New Teen Titans by Wolfman, Perez, and Giordano. Watching Teen Titans on TV really makes me wanna go back and read and reread the stories from the late-70's and early 80's.
Well I don't feel quite as bad as I did after reading the obit. Still, it is sad to be without such a prolific and influential talent. At least we still have his stories.
Well, my monthly shipment should be arrive today. I found out yesterday that two trade paperbacks that were scheduled to be included will not be, so I'll only be getting two trade paperbacks instead of four. :(
On time - Batman: The Long Halloween, Queen & Country Vol. 1
Late - Ministry of Space, Love Fights Vol. 2
At this point I'm just glad to be getting a shipment. I haven't had the time to make it to the comic shop lately and I ran out of new comic books a couple weeks ago. I've been living off of trade paperbacks (Rex Mundi Book 1, Scion Vol 3), manga (Marmalade Boy Vol. 4), and back issues (X-Men: The Hidden Years, Marvel: The Lost Generation, Superman & Batman: Generations 3, Route 666, Dreadstar).
S&B:G3 sucks by comparison to the previous two mini-series. Most of the issues are forgettable. Some of the artwork looks incomplete and most of it is very roughly drawn.
M:TLG is much better by comparison to S&B:G3 but that's not saying much. I bought both these series a couple years back and am just getting arounf to reading them. At least I don't feel like I completely wasted my money on them.
* Comic books arrived on time. Batman: The Long Halloween is a long book, longer than I realized, about 350 pages long. I spent about an hour going through the Previews catalog. There wasn't too much that caught my eye that I hadn't already earmarked.
* I hear it on NPR: an interview with Sharad Devarajan, CEO of Gotham Entertainment Group, which has licensed the Marvel Comics characters to be distributed in South Asia. Their first publication is Spider-Man India, featuring Pavitr Prabhakar as Peter Parker.
Link: Fresh Air for Thursday January 6, 2005 (you have to scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page to find the link to the audio of the interview. It is about 20 minutes long.
Trade Paperbacks and Manga
Currently Reading
+ Rex Mundi Book 1: The Guardian of the Temple
+ Scion Book 3: Divided Loyalties
+ Marmalade Boy Book 4
Waiting to be Read
+ Batman: The Long Halloween
+ Queen & Country Book 1: Operation Broken Ground
+ Human Target Book 2: Living in Amerika
+ Kare Kano Book 4
+ Scion Book 4: Sanctuary
+ Marmalade Boy Book 5
+ Marmalade Boy Book 6
+ Ministry of Space
+ Love Fights Book 2
+ Maxx Book 3
+ Stray Bullets Book 1
+ Y: The Last Man Book 2
So I went to liberty Comics and splurged today. Well, I spent more than I usually do. I bought X-Men Unlimited # 6 which features a story written and drawn by the crew that used to write and draw Negation: Paul Pelletier, Dave Meikis, and Tony Bedard. It was okay. It was no where near as good as Negation. What was missing of course was Laura Martin's colors. That and a decent story. Anyone could have written this one.
Comparisons to Negation: The way the four women in this story interacted did remind me kind of the way the main female characters in Negation interacted. Emma White would obviously be Evinlea. Kitty Pryde would be Corrin. I guess Storm would be Shassa, but the correlation isn't as strong. That leaves Sage to be Iress.
I also bought...
+ Teen Titans # 19 - final issue in the Titans of Tomorrow story
+ She Hulk # 9 - the art is by Paul Pelletier and I've heard good things about this series
+ Phoenix Book 2: Future - a year after I bought the first volume in this series I finally got the second one. Written and drawn by the godfather of manga, Osamu Tezuka. I really enjoyed the first book. Not short, but the first book was very good so I have high hopes for this one.
She-Hulk # 9 - Very amusing. Jen trying to learn to control her new strength. Hercules being sued (by a supervillain) for being too aggressively heroic. Very amusing, the whole thing was very tongue in cheek. I may just have to pick up the next issue. It didn't hurt that Paul Pelletier did the pencils.
Teen Titans # 19 - Good but not great. Not good enough to convince me to continue buying this series. I have yet to be truly impressed or satisfied with Geoff Johns writing. I tried JSA for a while and didn't care for it, now I tried Teen Titans and was equally un-wowed. I did enjoy the whole Titans of Tomorrow story. It wasn't bad, but I get the impression that it was the time travel elements and not the writing that worked for me.
Human Target Book 2 - Chapter one of this book (six of the series) is one of those stories that I thinks works a little better if you know the ending in advance. The story was plodding along and I wasn't that impressed with it until I saw the twist in the tale. Then it hit pretty hard. This chapter is a self-contained story. The Human Target is hired to impersonate a priest who is being theatened by a local heavy. Christopher Chance (The Human Target) isn't a religious man, but after spending some time in the role of the priest he finds himself starting to sense that maybe there are things he should believe in. Then he encouters the heavy, and finds out why he has been trying to 'off' the priest: he was molested by the priest when he was a boy. Maybe I should have seen in coming. The story is set in Boston. Anyhow that casts the story in a very different light. I won't give any more of the story away, but I did like how it ends. Still I think there should have been some foreshadowing as to the true motivations of the heavy and the true nature of the priest.
Midori no Hibi is no longer available at SnoopyCool. There ain't much available anymore at SnoopyCool, but from what I understand the anime of Midori no Hibi is going to be released in March, by ADV. I haven't heard anyword on when the manga will be available.I managed to download te first two-and-a-half books before the SnoopyCool went down in December.
No Fallen Angel in April, according to DC. The next and probably last issue, # 20, will come out in May.
Last issue of Adam Strange comes out in March. I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the trade of that?
I'm still not going to order the individual issues of Identity Crisis. Even though DC is rereleasing all of them in March. I'm waiting for the trade, even if I have to wait until 2006. There are plenty of other things to read in the meanwhile.
Human Target is ending with # 21. The second trade collects up through # 10. I guess that means that there will be two more trade collections, hopefully.
Iron Ghost from Image looks good. Written by Ron Marz, it looks like a riff on The Shadow. It is a mini and only runs six issues. I'll probably wait for the trade.
Trade-wise, this month I decided to pre-order the second trade of The Losers (DC/Vertigo), Hysteria Book 2 (Oni Press; written and drawn by Mike Hawthorne), and the DC Archive Edition of Enemy Ace.
OK, that's enough for now. Time to read some more comic books.
human target,
marmalade boy,
teen titans,
what I bought,
what I read,
will eisner
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